12. The Association reserves the rights of final decision in the acceptance, assignment and change of category of participating e-shops. 香港零售管理協會保留對所有參與網店的接受申請、所屬組別及組別更改的最終決定權。
13. Food Shops: No dine-in services are provided. 食品店:指不設堂食服務之食店。
14. If particular product categories involved high priced transaction, payment logistics and reimbursement for online purchase would be in prior arrangement with the Association. Please contact the Association for scheme details if participating e-shop is in other retail business categories. 個別零售業務類別涉及高金額交易,有關參與是次計劃的網上購物付款流程及報銷程序需與協會另作事前商討。如參與網上商店為其他零售業務類別, 請先聯絡協會查詢計劃詳情。